
Sunday, September 2, 2007

Pameran "One World Many Cultures"

Pada 6-9 September 2007 ini, akan berlangsung sebuah pameran yang bertemakan ("One World Many Cultures", Satu Dunia Berbagai Budaya). Pameran yang diadakan sempena Sambutan Ulangtahun Jamiyah Singapura yang ke-75 ini bertujuan untuk menekankan mesej bahawa walaupun dunia ini terdiri dari berbagai kaum dan bangsa dan kaya dengan warisan turun temurun, ianya sebenarnya mempunyai satu haluan dan harapan.

Alhamdulillah, dengan berkat keizinan dari Nya, saya dijemput untuk mengadakan pameran dan demonstrasi Seni Khat di sana nanti. InsyaAllah andaikata tiada apa halangan, saya akan bertolak pada 4 September 2007 (malam). Adalah menjadi harapan saya apabila di sana dapat membawa nama Malaysia iaitu sebagai salah satu negara yang terkenal dengan Warisan Seni Islam. InsyaAllah saya akan masukkan berita penuh mengenai suasana pameran ini sekembalinya saya ke Malaysia. Doakan kejayaan saya di sana nanti, mudah-mudahan Allah S.W.T permudahkan segala urusan dan perjalanan kerjaya saya di sana. Amin.


Sumber :

One World Many Cultures Exhibition: A Journey of Discovery
6-9 September 2007
Singapore Expo-Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hall 6

Jamiyah Singapore, a 75-year old Non Governmental Organization and a pioneer in interfaith activities, invites you to join us in an exciting journey that will take you through different pavilions at our four-day exhibition to be held at the Singapore Expo Convention and Exhibition Centre from the 6 to 9 September 2007.

Objectives of Exhibition

The exhibition will mark the next quantum leap for Jamiyah’s 75th anniversary in serving humanity and enhancing human fellowship. It will also promote racial and interfaith harmony and dialogue, engage our visitors in particular the young with the work of people and organizations in this field, enthuse social entrepreneurship, promote wellness of body, mind and soul, create greater ecological awareness and responsibility, capitalize the facets of history as a catalyst for the future, enhance the importance of universal values and global ethics, provide insight about education for peace, engage visitors with science and technology, as well as provide opportunities for entrepreneurs to learn about new forms of banking, insurance, therapies and lifestyles.

Inter Civilizational Dialogue Pavilion

The pavilion showcases the history and reality of contemporary inter-civilizational dialogue, the work that is going on and stress how individuals and NGOs can play a role. Indeed, humanity is one, albeit with diverse ethnic groups, cultures, geographical boundaries, varying faiths or political affiliations. Dialogue can foster appreciation of the contributions of different civilizations, create new friendship and cooperation for the advancement of humanity. The pavilion will feature the importance of extending kindness and compassion beyond one’s own. Indeed peace and progress for humanity are achievable with dialogue.

Sages in World History Pavilion

This pavilion will highlight the moral and spiritual insights of various sages from the Axial Age to our post modern period, as they are both inspirational and uplifting to the soul and have a bearing on our present situation. They include Rabiah Aladawiyah, the Saint of Ajmer, St Francis of Assisi, as well as modern sages who have contributed to the promotion of peace egs Tagore, Badshah Khan, Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, Sek Kwang Peng, Abdul Alim Siddique, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Sri Chinmoy etc

Modern and Ancient Scholars Pavilion

Visitors will be enthused with their common intellectual heritage, reinforcing particularly to the young and students, that different cultures can learn and complement one another. Scanning scholars from Plato and Brahmagupta, Ibn Hazm, Averroes and Avicienna to Roger Bacon, Pope Sylvester II, Kant, Leibniz, Goethe, showing they are not islands unto themselves. This intellectual tradition is carried on today by Lin Yutang, Russel, Tolstoy, Chomsky, Robert Ornstein, Amartya Sen, Mohd Yunus and Stephen Hawkins etc.

Trade and Business Pavilion

Trade and business are an integral part of any viable ancient or modern culture. Globalisation has enabled trade and business to assume massive proportions but not without demerits. There are many new aspects to be considered, namely business ethics and morality, e-business, social entrepreneurship, survival of SMEs etc. Islamic banking and related issues will be featured with its promising prospects in Singapore.

Education Pavilion

The aim of education should go beyond securing a job in order to live a life of comfort. In a world where world wars have taken place and tensions across borders still abound, education can help promote peace in the world as one reflects upon the different dimensions of the purpose and philosophy of education. For the human soul to advance, life-long learning is imperative.

Arts and Culture Pavilion

Arts and culture have always constituted an important component of any civilization. Indeed they had and will continue to “add spices to our lives.” The beauty and aesthetics in wondrous architectures, literature and music are some of the areas in which humanity experiences life to the fullest in its creative and celestial form.

Science and Technology Pavilion

This pavilion is aimed at stimulating thought on the challenges of science and technology at this junction in human history as well as projecting the fundamental fact that the collective efforts of scientists, thinkers and statesmen of different cultures brought about the salient features of modern science, for example the intermediate scientific culture of Islam benefited from other cultures including the Arab, Indian, Chinese, Persian, Judaic, Byzantine etc

Health Pavilion

This pavilion will focus on health, mind and body so as to promote the understanding that just as the universe is fundamentally in a state of health, the human being should also be in a state of health, indeed vibrant health. Indeed we cannot be oblivious of the on-going ravages of our earth and related health concerns. This holistic health is impossible without adherence to the Laws of Nature which are reflected in the Laws of God. Health based on Newtonic principles merging with that of Einstein will also be featured.

Mohammad Firdaus bin Mahadi

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